High Quality
Speltex Target Backing Curtains are made from high quality soft natural rubber which exhibits outstanding resistance to cutting and tearing, allowing the remarkable “self healing” properties when penetrated by a bullet.
Leaving a witness mark, the hole created by the bullet is “healed” with the pin hole noticeable only if the curtain were stretched.

Greatly Reduces Risks
In this way the Speltex curtain contains the back spatter and greatly reduces the risk of bullet ricochet. The Speltex curtain also contains the airborne lead dust, allowing it to be extracted from behind the curtain and greatly reduces the noise of strikes against the armour plated rear wall.

Safety Information
- Speltex Target backing Curtains are not to be used with air rifles or low-powered ammunition, use only ammunition approved by your shooting range.
- Speltex Target Backing Curtains must never be secured at the bottom; they must always hang freely secured only at the top.
- Speltex Target Backing Curtains should be hung continuously behind all targets with an overlap of 150 mm (6”).
- Speltex Target Backing Curtains considerably reduce, but cannot eliminate the possibility of being hit by flying shrapnel. Always exercise caution and care when at a shooting range.
- Speltex Target Backing Curtains are not flame or smoke retardant. Do not expose to naked flame. Ensure all safety regulations for your shooting range are strictly adhered to.

Speltech Ltd will be pleased to assist in the design of best use of Target Backing Curtains within your shooting range.
Speltex Target Backing Curtains should be hung continuously behind all targets with an overlap of 150 mm (6”).